Funding at Little Cherubs
Three and Four Year Funding
All three and four year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours of free early education a week during term time until they reach compulsory school age.
Your child is entitled to this from the term beginning after their third birthday. This funding is for everyone regardless of your income/ financial situation. You may be entitled to 30 Hours Funding, see below.
When is my child eligible?
The following dates show which term your child is eligible for their free childcare place:
Born between 1st January to 31st March: Summer Term (April to August)
Born between 1st April to 31st August: Autumn Term (September to December)
Born between 1st September to 31st December: Spring term (January to April)
What your child’s early learning place will offer
Little Cherubs provides up to 15 hours a week of free early education over 38 weeks per year (term time only). This is the equivalent of up to 570 hours per year. At Little Cherubs we work on a 'sessions' basis. The session available are 3 sessions of 5 hours each; either 8-1 or 1-6 or 1.5 full days. This can be negotiated if these sessions do not suit your current situation.
If you are only accessing the free early learning place then you can choose to provide a packed lunch which would not incur an additional cost, or pay the additional fee for the cooked lunch which is priced at £2.50 per day. Please click here to see Our Menu.
Accessing more than 15 hours per week or additional services
If you work or have other commitments that mean your child needs to attend a setting for more than 15 hours per week or during school-holiday time then you have the option to pay for additional hours. Little Cherubs Kindergarten is open 51 weeks per year, 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday. Please see our Fee's List for the cost of additional Hours.
How to claim your Funding
Once you have accepted your child's place at Little Cherubs Kindergarten and signed all of the necessary forms, you will need to sign a Parent Declaration Form. This will be required to be signed each term that your child accesses an early learning place.
Each term there is a deadline by which you must be accessing your child's early learning place, please contact the nursery for more information
When you sign the Free Early Education Entitlement agreement (known as the Parent Declaration Form) you are making a commitment that your child will be accessing their early learning place at Little Cherubs for that term. Signing of the declaration confirms that your child will not be claiming more than the 15 hours of free early education that he or she is entitled to.
For more information please visit
30 Hours Funding
2 Year Old Funding